Standard Bio is a science-led company that creates valuable biocarbon based products from bio-waste streams in agriculture and forestry. We capture the carbon and create energy to help farmers produce more effectively while contributing positively to the climate solution by storing carbon in the soils.
We have over-stretched the capacity of this planet to produce the resources needed for growing our communities in a lasting way. We need to rethink how we use and produce what we need to counter for years of over-consumption and thoughtless waste management leading to inefficient resource utilization and production of toxic waste. This, along with disproportionate carbon emissions, has caused an imbalance in the natural systems of the planet and is now affecting everything- from the quality of air, water, and land, and life itself, rendering a climate and environmental crisis.
Instead of looking at carbon as a problem, we need to unlock the potential of carbon as the primary building block of all known life! Carbon, with its unique diversity of organic compounds, and its unusual ability to form polymers at the common temperatures enables it to serve as a basic element of all known life. We can reduce atmospheric CO2 by sequestering carbon where it belongs, in the soil.
The potential of the circular economy is infinite as it helps all forms of value come a full circle. Nothing is waste and more value can be harvested from it if we move from a linear economy to a circular economy and build a cyclical ecosystem.
We are making a difference with enabling efficient utilisation of end of life and waste bio resources by up-cycling them into biocarbon-based products and creating value from what we render useless, helping carbon come a full circle. Our char based products catalyse regenerative and restorative plant and livestock agricultural practices thereby reducing atmospheric CO2 and helping us turn back the carbon clock.

Bjørn Moldskred
+47 976 51 400
Walter Aker
Solutions, Production & Technology
+47 919 21 094
Mireen Fikse
+47 924 03 109
Tom Even Mortensen
+47 982 29 650
Mona Sabo
Science & Product Development
+47 402 81 217
Marita Nordhus
Finance & Administration
+47 479 07 061
Torjus Prestholt
Production & Technology
+47 915 48 265
Jerzy Polewaczyk
Production & Technology