Standard Bio is a science-led company with years of investments in research and development of high-quality biocarbon based products and solutions for agriculture, animal farming, aquaculture, water and air filtration in a carbon-negative way in a distributed manner to reduce global environment and health risks.
With competence and technology, our team of global scientists, engineers, and strategists came together to create state of the art bio-refineries with a proprietary design and technology involving a flameless combustion system and a rotating kiln in order to upcycle bio-waste streams and produce high-quality biocarbon across the temperature range as well as sustainable renewable energy.
We focus on how to optimise the value through converting organic feedstock into valuable end products. This combines the right technology with the right production process – utilizing different characteristics of the feed to create the right operating conditions in our process equipment that enables maximum excess energy production while producing the right quality biocarbon product. Our unique competence secures the right solutions.
We upcycle low valued bio-waste streams in bio-refineries to produce profitable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly products and solutions. These biocarbon-based products have applications and benefits across agriculture, animal farming, aquaculture, water, and air filtration. We use locally available feedstocks and recycle them as energy supply and carbon-based products that create value right back in the community. Biocarbon helps produce more effectively from the land, increases carbon storage to reduce CO2 impact, and creates thermal energy that would otherwise be wasted. Truly circular for a sustainable future.
Our bio-refineries are modular and can be adapted to local needs and usage. The technology configuration depends on the types of locally available feedstock, and the need for excess energy and end-products. Our bio-refineries produce right quality biocarbon and active-chars as well as sustainable renewable energy from diverse sources including waste from bio-slurries, agriculture, production animals, aquaculture, food, forestry, wood and paper factories, mining industries, and more...
The philosophy is to take our solutions globally by partnering locally to create positive impact while building a profitable business and generating sustainable circular value chains. Standard Bio will be working with partners and industry players to set up biochar refineries, production processes and product distribution to build profitable and sustainable business models. Standard Bio will provide science, competence and intellectual property to create a collaborative and distributed business model with end products that create value for the partners and the local community.

Want to partner with us?
We offer a collaborative and distributed partnership model to provide our solutions and products. We offer modular production facilities, process and feedstock knowledge, economics and logistics of feedstock-to-product value chains, and recipes for various biocarbon-based products.