Standard Bio is a science-led company with years of investments in R&D of high-quality biocarbon based products and solutions for agriculture, animal farming, aquaculture, and water and air filtration in a carbon-negative way in a distributed manner to reduce global environment and health risks.
With competence and technology, our global team of scientists, engineers, and strategists came together to create state of the art bio-refineries with a proprietary design and technology involving a flameless combustion system and a rotating kiln in order to upcycle bio-waste streams and produce high-quality biocarbon across the temperature range as well as sustainable renewable energy.
Our core competencies are in the understanding of soil microbiome, mineral and plant interaction and how to create efficient, sustainable and cost-effective products in a decentralized, carbon negative production process. We offer biocarbon-based, environmentally sustainable products for soil and animal feed additives.
Together with our own employees, we work with a number of highly competent individuals, universities, research institutes and private companies in order to develop, test and verify our products, processes and solutions. Standard Bio is also lead and partner in a number of research projects, financed both by the Norwegian Research Council, Innovation Norway and regional public funds. Our daughter company DrySep also participate in a European Union funded Horizon 2020 project.
Some of our main national and international partners in development, testing and verification of biocarbon-based products and solutions are University of South East Norway, SINTEF, PFI-RISE, Professor Stephen Joseph at University of New South Wales Australia, SPPU Pune University, India and companies like Felleskjøpet Agri/Nordic Garden and Norsk Naturgjødsel.

Want to partner with us?
Standard Bio wants to collaborate with universities and companies to develop, produce and deliver char-based products to market while creating value for all involved. We want to enhance our capabilities around product development, analysis, testing and verification of biocarbon based products primarily for agriculture, animal health, and air and water filtration.